
I am a PhD student at University of Connecticut’s Department of Anthropology.

My foremost interest is worldviews. How did worldviews emerge? And what is the relationship between our worldviews and our behavior?

The term “worldview” is intended to be inclusive of religious, spiritual, secular, nationalistic, and other types of belief-behavior complexes. However, I am especially interested in the intersection of spiritual and secular worldviews. You can read more about this topic here.

My other research interests include: Psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, DMT) and their therapeutic potential; Education, especially religious education; and Cooperation.

My background is religious studies with an emphasis on mysticism and psychology. But in recent years, I have become increasingly interested in quantitative analysis of worldviews and behavior. In my research, I employ Multilevel Modeling, Social Network Analysis, Bayesian Inference, ANOVA, Latent Variable Modeling, and more. I am also thoroughly indoctrinated as an R purist.

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